Amazon Carousel

Friday, February 28, 2014

{Cover Reveal} Help Janeal Falor choose a cover!!!

Today we have something different for you.  Instead of just revealing a cover we are asking YOU to help us choose WHICH cover to use!   Mine to Spell by Janeal Falor is the second book in the Mine series. This is a YA fantasy and it is scheduled to release May 5th, 2014.

Do you like cover choice #1:

Or do you like cover choice #2:
Cast your vote here:

Cover #1 or cover #2? free polls 
Be sure to stop by the authors website on March 6th for the final reveal of which cover was chosen!

MINE TO SPELL Description:

Cynthia has always hidden from her father’s hexes behind her older sister. When her family gains independence unheard of for women, she’s relieved that her days of harsh punishments are over. But as her seventeenth birthday approaches—the typical age to be sold to a new master—death threats endanger her sisters. She now faces two options: run or meet society’s expectations.
For once, Cynthia isn’t going to let her older sister shield her from the problem. She’s going to prove to herself, her sisters, and society that her family isn’t a threat to their traditions. She willingly chooses to be purchased by a new master. A bold step that takes her somewhere she never thought she would go and to a man she might possibly fall in love with. With his help, she may just find a way to save her sisters while discovering how to stand up for herself. If she lives long enough.


About the author:

Amazon bestselling author Janeal Falor lives in Utah with her husband and three children. In her non-writing time she teaches her kids to make silly faces, cooks whatever strikes her fancy, and attempts to cultivate a garden even when half the things she plants die. When it's time for a break she can be found taking a scenic drive with her family or drinking hot chocolate.

 Ten Giveaway Combo Packs: ebooks of YOU ARE MINE and prequel, MINE TO TARNISH

Open INT
a Rafflecopter giveaway

This event was put together by CBB Book Promotions.


Who Stole the Zmulobeast
By Keith A Owens
Release date: Nov. 15, 2013
Publisher: Self-published through Detroit Ink Publishing.
No. of pages: 136

"Who Stole the Zmulobeast?" is a humorous science fiction/fantasy detective story for middle school-aged children written by Keith A. Owens. The story introduces the Pi in the Sky Squad, a crew of (mostly) kid detectives comprised of a talking dog with a wise-cracking sense of humor, a hovering space alien from the
Planet Acabagua, a rambunctious collection of exceptionally curious youngsters, and Chief, the poor adult tasked with supervising this bunch.

In this, their first adventure, the Pi Squad must find out who stole a  creature known as a Zmulobeast - just as soon as they can figure out what a Zmulobeast is.

You can buy the book at:

Keith Owens is a freelance writer, columnist, editor, and award-winning journalist whose work has been featured in The Detroit Free Press, Detroit’s alternative newsweekly the Metro Times, the Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel, and other newspapers. He was also a nationally syndicated columnist with Universal Press Syndicate for three years beginning in 1993.

This is his first novel for children and was done in partnership with Dr. John Leddo, CEO and founder of Education Online ( EOL’s patented SAT/PSAT Math Test Prep tutoring software is designed to make online math tutoring affordable for all families.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

{RELEASE DAY} THE CHASE by Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg --- with trailer and giveaway!


THE CHASE by Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg
Bantam – Random House
On sale: February 25, 2014

Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg, New York Times bestselling authors of The Heist, return in this action-packed, exciting adventure featuring master con artist Nicolas Fox and die-hard FBI agent Kate O’Hare. And this time around, things go from hot to nuclear when government secrets are on the line.

Internationally renowned thief and con artist Nicolas Fox is famous for running elaborate and daring scams. His greatest con of all: convincing the FBI to team him up with the only person who has ever caught him, and the only woman to ever capture his attention, Special Agent Kate O’Hare. Together they’ll go undercover to swindle and catch the world’s most wanted—and untouchable—criminals.

Their newest target is Carter Grove, a former White House chief of staff and the ruthless leader of a private security agency. Grove has stolen a rare Chinese artifact from the Smithsonian, a crime that will torpedo U.S. relations with China if it ever becomes public. Nick and Kate must work under the radar—and against the clock—to devise a plan to steal the piece back. Confronting Grove’s elite assassins, Nick and Kate rely on the skills of their ragtag crew, including a flamboyant actor, a Geek Squad techie, and a band of AARP-card-carrying mercenaries led by none other than Kate’s dad.

A daring heist and a deadly chase lead Nick and Kate from Washington, D.C., to Shanghai, from the highlands of Scotland to the underbelly of Montreal. But it’ll take more than death threats, trained henchmen, sleepless nights, and the fate of a dynasty’s priceless heirloom to outsmart Fox and O’Hare.

Janet Evanovich is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Stephanie Plum series, the Lizzy and Diesel series, twelve romance novels, the Alexandra Barnaby novels and Trouble Maker graphic novel, and How I Write: Secrets of a Bestselling Author, as well as the Fox and O’Hare series with co-author Lee Goldberg.

Connect with Janet


Lee Goldberg is a screenwriter, TV producer, and the author of several books, including King City, The Walk, and the bestselling Monk series of mysteries. He has earned two Edgar Award nominations and was the 2012 recipient of the Poirot Award from Malice Domestic.

Connect with Lee

{Author Spotlight} Holding Out for Skye by S.R. McKade

New Author, S.R. McKade, is having the spotlight shone upon her today! Debut novel, HOLDING OUT FOR SKYE, was released earlier this month! Congratulations, S.R.!

"Things are finally starting to look up for Skye Fletcher. She’s got a new job with a great salary; she’s finally out of the rat-trap she used to live in and into a decent apartment. She couldn’t be happier. Except for the thorn in her side, a.k.a. Cian Hunter, her arrogant and too good-looking coworker whom she has the misfortune of being stuck with.

In spite of himself, Cian Hunter fell hard for the surly, unfriendly woman who made no secret of her dislike for him. He knows he and Skye are meant to be. Convincing her of that fact seems like an impossible feat. However, he’s utterly confident he’s up to the task. His future and his happiness depend on it, after all.

When Skye’s one impulsive, uncharacteristic little act changes the status quo between them, her life gets entangled with Cian’s way more than she’s comfortable with.

That’s when her life really turns upside down."

You can purchase a copy of HOLDING OUT FOR SKYE on Amazon

S.R. McKade has always made up stories in her mind ever since she was a child. She has her own world, where her characters live and breathe. She loves reading and will try practically any genre in either fiction or non-fiction, though she has a soft spot for funny romances and paranormal. Addicted to chocolate, she needs a constant fix to feel human. She firmly believes that being able to spin a story, the effort and love that goes into it, is a miracle in itself.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

{Book Review} DINNER WITH A VAMPIRE (The Dark Heroine #1) by Abigail Gibbs

Dinner with a Vampire (The Dark Heroine #1)
by Abigal Gibbs
Publisher: William Morrow, imprint of HarperCollins
Published: October 2012
Length: 549 pages
Editions: ebook and print
Source: Publisher gifted in prep for Autumn Rose, Book 2.

The sexiest romance you’ll read this year…

One moment can change your life forever...

For Violet Lee, a chance encounter on a darkened street draws her into a world beyond her wildest imaginings, a timeless place of vast elegance and immeasurable wealth – of beautiful mansions and lavish parties – where a decadent group of friends live for pleasure alone. A place from which there is no matter how hard Violet tries.

Yet all the riches in the world can’t mask the darkness that lies beneath the gilded surface, embodied in the charismatic but dangerous Kaspar Varn.

Violet and Kaspar surrender to a passion that transcends their separate worlds – but it’s a passion that comes at a price..

My notes for this one are a little all over the place, so bear with me and please accept my apologies if the flow of thought is hard to follow!

Let's start with an overall impression: I kept reading this book, didn't look for excuses to stop reading, but read it over the course of a day, stopping for real life needs (food, drink, potty, taking out the dogs, etc). It's dubbed as "the sexiest romance you'll read this year" and I definitely do not agree with that, however I would say that it is intriguing and held my attention much better than say, Twilight. Overall, I found the book enjoyable and interesting, and my interest definitely peaked when it turned towards a prophecy. Yes, there is a romance. No, I don't think it's the sexiest romance ever. If anything, I think it's a side story to the political machinations of a world where humans are very much aware of vampires and how the vampires decide to deal with them. The vampires' caution is interesting!

The protagonist is described as feisty by her kidnappers, and boy is she. I liked her snark and her courage. But holy naivete. I know she is only 17, but you would think that with a political father, a brother who died due to a drug overdose, and a younger sister who is ill with cancer, that she would be more worldly. At one point, she says  something along the lines of, "Monsters do this. Humans do not." I made a face at the book. In her 17 years has she not read the news or seen a single news program? Not even a headline on the internet?  I was a very a naive 17 year old, and even I recognized that humans are the worst monsters on earth (of course, I don't know of any vampires, werewolves, or other supernaturals). So her naivete bothered me a tad, especially as she starts in on her moral issues. But I suppose as a teenager I was firm in my blanketed beliefs.

Also, I was confused as to whether or not vampires are living or dead. You have these vamps who are born and age up to age 18 and then are set at that age forever. Then you have the kind that are made. No heartbeats but alive? Which is it? I'm okay with either description, but I would like a definitive answer as to whether or not you are alive or dead. Or is it both because one is born and one is made? But then...can made vampires have children with born ones? Argh

There is a deep sympathy for Violet - her brother died young due to an overdose, her younger sister is stricken with leukemia, her mother is a wreck, and then she gets kidnapped. She then discovers something about her father that disturbs her greatly.

There is also a deep sympathy for Kaspar who was very close to his mother, who was murdered.

This does NOT excuse his behavior however. He isn't just rude, he's violent towards Violet. You can tell he's a mess of emotions, but I was actually kinda pissed that she was starting to fall for him despite his actions. Stockholm syndrome...but really more like stupid-teenage-girl syndrome. Why does every single young adult girl seem to have a female lead who falls for a complete and total ass? And later in the book, you have two people who were supposedly trying to befriend her, turn on her and viciously so. Yeah, those two could die in the next book and I wouldn't shed a tear. At LEAST Kaspar was upfront with her: you're food to us, you're weak, we know you taste good, no you aren't a "person" to us. But the totally bothersome thing is that he tells her that he wants to find who murdered his mother and that he would "kill his love first, suck his children dry, and rape his daughters." What?! Even those who want vengeance rarely go after the innocents. Why would you want to be with someone who is so willing to kill innocents and RAPE? Bleh. Sexiest romance? Are you kidding me?!

But the most interesting part of this book is really watching this political thriller play out between Violet's father, Michael Lee, and the vampiric council. There is this history that is only hinted between humans and vampires in this dimension. (I wasn't too happy with the multiverse thing either as it seemed to come out of nowhere. Conveniently not explained as it's forbidden to talk to Violet about it, but hopefully in future novels this gets fleshed out more.) And Violet's dad came into political power several years ago just when they were going to have a treaty; but no treaty was signed. I think this tug of war (really, what power could humans have except they all die out and there's no more food source for the vampires who have existed before humans?) is really intriguing and would've liked to spend more time on this. Instead, it just says they are trying to avoid out and out war.

I think other little things that might throw off the american reader is the english. There are references and ways of phrasing that is decidedly not american. I tend to read a lot and also spent half a year in London, so it did not throw me off, however I can imagine others might reread a sentence a few times. I would NEVER change this, just warning you that you should expect it. They ARE in the UK after all as he kidnaps Violet from Trafalgar Square!

Autumn Rose is the title of the sequel and she does make an appearance in this book, a very interesting appearance. From what I know about book two, it doesn't pick up where we left off, but changes point of view totally to the world of Autumn Rose. From the little I learned of her in this book, and the prophecy we learned about, I'm totally intrigued. While this book had me alternating between liking it and not liking it, ultimately I gave it 3 stars because it evoked emotion, kept me reading, and kept me interested enough in this world and characters to want to read book 2!

{Book Review} THIMBLE DOWN by Pete Prown -- with review, giveaway, and excerpt

Saturday, February 22, 2014

{Book Blitz} BOMB by J.A. Huss -- with review and giveaway

BOMB by J.A. Huss
(Rook and Ronin Spinoff)
Publication date: February 17th 2014
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance

Spencer Shrike is a plotter. Known for his ingenious, albeit illegal, plans that keeps the Team running efficiently and out of jail, he carries this same love of order into his personal life. He’s kept his long-time main squeeze on the sidelines for years as he builds the Shrike Bikes empire.

Veronica Vaughn is an explosion ready to happen. Ronnie lives in the here and now. She lives for today. She knows what she wants, and she wants it now. And right now Ron the Bomb Vaughn wants Spencer shrike to leave her the hell alone. She’s done playing his game. She’s done waiting around. She’s moving forward with her own plots, plans, and dreams and she’s moving forward tonight. Ron the Bomb is finally—finally—gonna get some satisfaction.

Too bad Spencer Shrike is standing in her way.

Barnes & Noble:

{Blog Tour} BROKEN, Book 2 in The Edge of Darkness series, by Vanessa Skye --with guest post and giveaway!

Book Two in The Edge of Darkness series

Vanessa Skye 

Friday, February 21, 2014


Title: Testing Fate
Author: Belinda Boring
Series: The Mystic Wolves (#3)
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Blushing Heart Press
Release Date: Mar 2013
Edition/Formats Available In: eBook & Print
Nothing burns as bright as the flames of the refiner’s fire.
Moments after hearing the Council sentence her enemy to life imprisonment for attempted murder and illegal use of magic, Darcy is whisked away by the Fates—accused of tampering with destiny. The cherished dream she shared with Mason has been called into question, placing doubt about whether they are actually true mates. To resolve it, a price must be paid—the Heart or Death—a grueling series of tests designed to reveal a person’s worth.
The stakes are high and Darcy finds herself facing the unknown in conditions that leave her more vulnerable than she’s ever been. Separated from Mason and her Pack, with Devlin as her only companion, she is pushed to her very limits. She must succeed—or lose everything.
Will she crumble under the pressure or emerge stronger for testing fate?

Book Links

A homesick Aussie living amongst the cactus and mountains of Arizona, Belinda Boring is a self-proclaimed addict of romance and all things swoon worthy. It wasn't long before she began writing, pouring her imagination and creativity into the stories she dreams. Whether urban fantasy, paranormal romance or romance in general, Belinda strives to share great plots with heart and characters that you can't help but connect with. Of course, she wouldn't be Belinda without adding heroes she hopes will curl your toes. Surrounded by a supportive cast of family, friends, and the man she gives her heart and soul to, Belinda is living the good life. Happy reading!

Author Links


“But, do you truly understand what you’re saying? Are you willing to put Darcy and your Pack through more attempts like Amber’s? Are you willing to fight a challenge with every suitor that comes along?”
“Yes. If that’s what is needed, then I will beat them all!” Mason’s body stiffened with determination and I could only imagine what his wolf was experiencing below the surface. Male werewolves were dominant and extremely territorial. I had no doubt Mason would fight to the death, as many times as he needed to, in order to keep me by his side.
“I am sure you would, young Alpha. But are you willing to have Darcy do that as well? Will you be able to watch her fight to the death? Is your pride worth the risk? Are you willing to test fate?”

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

{Cover Reveal} Home is Where the Heat Is by Amelia James

Home is Where the Heat Is
Releases May 19, 2014
Cover Design by Mallory Rock
Erotic Romance

The Twisted Mosaic's reader favorite, Claire, has some twisted fun of her own.

Dependable paralegal Claire O'Connor knows the man of her dreams is out there waiting for her, and she's ready for him. Imagine her surprise—and delight—when she discovers not one but two men who lust for her. One adores her; the other challenges her. One makes sense; the other is a gamble.

Despite the family tragedy that shaped his past, JT Luck has only known professional success. His personal life, however, is a failure. He doesn't want a relationship, and while his 'let it ride' attitude keeps most women at a distance, Claire is eager to roll with him.

But when she finds out Kurt Langston, the office's resident computer geek, harbors a secret crush for her, she wonders if he's the safer bet. Kurt doesn't get close to people, and his feelings for Claire make no sense in his carefully ordered life. His unexpected bond with JT pushes him to take chances he never imagined.

Go all-in or go home? Either way, the heat could be more than they can handle.

Amelia James
Trashy's Treasures Blog:
Google +: Good Reads:

{Book Review} SHADOW ON THE SUN by R. Julian Cox

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

{New Release} Special Valentine Delivery by Marylynn Bast

Title: Blake and Amber’s Special Valentine Delivery
Author: MaryLynn Bast
Series: Heart of a Wolf Series (Companion Novella)
Genre: New Adult, Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Werewolf Tails Publishing
Release Date: February 14, 2014


Amber is headstrong as ever and refuses to remain at home just because it’s expected of her. Traveling has been her life and the pull to hit the road is strong.

This time when Blake goes off to work, he is on a serious mission. He is fighting to save the lives of werewolf children who are being ripped from their families, their lives in danger.

Neither Blake nor Amber realize they may end up having to fight to save their own family…

Book Links
Amazon  | Goodreads

Author Information

MaryLynn Bast grew up in Texas. An avid reader, she enjoyed writing romantic short stories. After moving to Las Vegas in 201o and starting a new chapter in her life, she followed her dream of publishing her first book, a paranormal romance, in 2012 and continues to write stories for the Heart of a Wolf Series. She is branching out and beginning the Panther Pride Saga. A few other stories are in the works as well.

MaryLynn is a full time author and a full time student working on her Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design. Working with several different companies who did government contracts for the US Military, MaryLynn was able to travel the world, meeting new and interesting people.

To further her knowledge into the paranormal world, MaryLynn joined a group in Vegas. In doing so, another passion was brought back to life. Her fascination with the spirit world inspired her to team up with a colleague. Forming CAT Parapsychic, together and with other team members, they investigate all things paranormal.

MaryLynn has several blogs she keeps updated on a regular basis. Her book blog can be found at Her Paranormal blog can be found at

Author Links
Amazon Author Page  | Blog | Facebook Personal | Facebook Page | Goodreads
G+  | LinkedIn  | Pinterest  | Twitter

Monday, February 17, 2014

{Blog Tour} Butterman (Time) Travel, Inc. by PK Hrezo --- with review and giveaway!

Welcome to my tour stop for Butterman (Time) Travel, Inc by PK Hrezo. This is a New Adult Time Travel Adventure Romance and the tour runs Feb. 10-21 with reviews, author interviews and a few guest posts and top tens.  It also includes a great giveaway.  Be sure to stop by the tour page for all the additional information and list of tour stops.

{Spotlight} Blood and Fire by Tori L Ridgewood

Book Synopsis:
What chance does one witch have against five vampires? Alone, not much. But Rayvin’s allies are gathering…

The battle between good and evil supernatural forces heats up in the long, cold November nights of the former mining town. But how will Rayvin’s motley crew of spellcasters and shapeshifters cope when they discover the threat they face is even greater than they imagined?

Blood and Fire is available for sale on Amazon, Smashwords, and Lulu.

The Talbot Trilogy:

0. Mist and Midnight (prequel)

1. Wind and Shadow

2. Blood and Fire

3. Crystal and Wand (coming soon)

About the Author:

After her first heartbreak, Tori found solace in two things: reading romance novels and listening to an after-dark radio program called Lovers and Other Strangers. Throughout the summer and fall of 1990, the new kid in town found reading fiction and writing her own short stories gave her a much needed creative outlet. Determined to become a published author, Tori amassed stacks of notebooks and boxes of filed-away stories, most only half-finished before another idea would overtake her and demand to be written down. Then, while on parental leave with her second baby, one story formed and refused to be packed away. Between teaching full-time, parenting, and life in general, it would take almost seven years before the first novel in her first trilogy would be completed. In the process, Tori finally found her stride as a writer.

At present, on her off-time, Tori not only enjoys reading, but also listening to an eclectic mix of music as she walks the family dog (Skittles), attempts to turn her thumb green, or makes needlework gifts for her friends and family members. She loves to travel, collect and make miniature furniture, and a good cup of tea during a thunderstorm or a blizzard. Under it all, she is always intrigued by history, the supernatural, vampire and shapeshifter mythology, romance, and other dangers.

Tori is currently working on Crystal and Wand: Book Three of The Talbot Trilogy. She lives in Kirkland Lake, Ontario, Canada with her husband and two children. She is a full-time teacher at a local high school.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Blood and Fire: Book Two of the Talbot Trilogy
By Tori L. Ridgewood
 Excerpt -- 18+

“What kind of maniac tortures his lover?” she whispered. Her throat was still hoarse from screaming.
“Some people find they enjoy what you call ‘torture’,” he countered. Supporting her body with his, so her chin was secured against his shoulder, de Sade slid his hands under her sweater to unfasten her bra.
The confident movement of his hands against the taught, sensitive skin of her back was making her temperature rise. He lowered her brassiere away from her chest, gently reaching up the sleeves of her sweater to thread the straps through so he could pull the black lace garment from under her clothing. De Sade was moving with deliberate care, taking his time, and he could probably tell from the rise in her pheromones that it was turning her on in spite of herself. 
How could this be happening to me?
She couldn't stand it. 
Her systems may have been weakened by electric shock, and her magick worn down by pregnancy, but Rayvin refused to give in.
As the vampire continued lazily undressing her, she gritted her teeth and focused on a drawer next to the stove.
The handle shook for a moment, before the drawer slid open and released a large carving knife that hovered in the air. Rayvin lifted her chin from de Sade’s shoulder, leaving room for the knife to ease itself next to the vampire’s neck. The tip positioned itself under his earlobe.
De Sade paused for a moment. “You can threaten me all you like, but the truth is that I am stronger than you. You cannot help but be affected by me.” He ripped the front of her hoodie in one smooth gesture, tearing the fabric away from her body.
Rayvin sat straighter in the remains of her hoodie. The t-shirt she was wearing underneath did little to conceal the way her breasts had swollen with her pregnancy. De Sade stepped away from the hovering knife to remove his own shirt, and she directed her eyes at another drawer.
The vampire smiled at the peeler she sent toward his ribs. It pressed against his skin but did not penetrate.
“You don’t have the heart for it, love. You’re not a killer.”
The cupboards flung themselves open, and all of her mugs and glasses hurled themselves to the ceiling. The vampire didn't even flinch at the noise of their shattering. Hundreds of shards and jagged fragments aimed in his direction. 
Rayvin’s voice was low, but clear.
“Leave now, before I cut you into a thousand pieces.”
De Sade unbuckled his trousers, let them fall, and stepped out of them. He hadn’t bothered wearing any underwear. “You don’t really mean that, now do you? I have something you want.”
His body never failed to shock her with its magnificence. Perfectly sculpted muscles. Pale, but hairy where a man should be. His arousal was clear. Rayvin felt herself growing wet, her whole being fighting to draw closer to him. Her hands clenched around the edge of the table in a last-ditch effort to hold on to herself.
“I don’t want you.”
She sent her fury toward a shard of porcelain. It obeyed her command, darting past the vampire to slice a thin line on his cheek. A single drop of dark blood trickled down his cheek. 
He held her gaze. “Now you and I both know that that is a lie.”
Rayvin took a deep breath and lowered her feet to the floor. She wasn’t quite strong enough to hold herself upright, but the table held firm against her weight. “I don't need you or want you in my life, asshole. I’m done with you. Get the fuck out of my house.”
De Sade clucked his tongue. “Haven't we always been honest with each other?” He kicked his pants aside, and then his shoes. “Before me, you were boring. Unimportant. I made you special when I chose you. I’ve given you a new purpose. And when I fuck you, I make your world explode.”
His words killed a little more of her confidence. How did he know exactly what to say to mess with her mind?
Rayvin glowered as she stepped toward him. Her weapons moved with her, closing in on his body so he was surrounded by a glittering cage of blades. De Sade looked down at her as she approached, but he didn’t move. Her throat ached and her body burned. “You’ve turned me into a fucking addict! I don’t want to be like this anymore!” Her voice cracked. “Get out! I’m taking back my invitation!”
De Sade laughed in her face. “It’s too late for that. Our bond is stronger than a broken invitation, and it is stronger than any of the magick you have attempted. You gave yourself to me of your own free will. There is nothing to be done.” 
She roared at him, battering his chest with her fists as her tiny spears of glass and porcelain razed his skin. The vampire continued to laugh. He grabbed her wrists and held them away from them both as if she were a small child.
“Bastard!” Rayvin spat at him, her nails digging into her palms. Her voice attempted to produce a scream, but instead it could only rasp. “I hate you! I’ll kill myself if you touch me again!”
In a move so fast she couldn’t see it, de Sade had pinned her arms to her sides, shoved the table to one side, and forced her against the wall. His knee had spread her legs and he’d pressed the length of his body to hers even before the table he had pushed away had a chance to hit the floor, the elderly legs cracking and splintering on impact.
“You won’t do that, dearest Rayvin,” he whispered, nuzzling her nose with his. She fought the melting sensation in her loins, but her will was ebbing with every thrust of his hips against hers. “You love life too much. You are not destined for death by suicide. And as I told you before, you are allowed to hate me. This isn’t love. It’s fucking, and you want it with every inch of your sweet little body.”
His lips descended on hers, and the last of Rayvin’s self control fell away, along with the remains of her glassware. Her will drowned in a sea of passion, overwhelmed once again by the touch of his mouth and tongue. Somewhere in the back of her mind, reality screamed at her to fight it, but it was as though a screen had lowered between knowledge and sensation.
Sensation was all that mattered in the moment.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

{Cover Reveal} TOUCHED WITH FIRE by Christopher Datta --- with giveaway!


Welcome to the TOUCHED WITH FIRE cover reveal! This fabulous historical fiction has received a new look and it's going to blow you away. Now before we get to that, let's talk about Touched With Fire, a novel of the Civil War inspired by the true story of Ellen Craft.
Ellen Craft is property; in this case, of her half-sister Debra, to whom she was given as a wedding gift. The illegitimate daughter of a Georgia plantation owner and a house slave, she learned to hate her own image, which so closely resembled that of her “father:” the same wiry build, the same blue eyes, and the same pale—indeed, lily-white—skin.

Ellen lives a solitary life until she falls, unexpectedly, in love with a dark-skinned slave named William Craft, and together they devise a plan to run North. Ellie will pose as a gentleman planter bound for Philadelphia accompanied by his “boy” Will. They make it as far as Baltimore when Will is turned back, and Ellie has no choice but continue. With no way of knowing if he is dead or alive, she resolves to make a second journey—South again. And so Elijah Craft enlists with the 125th Ohio Volunteers of the Union Army: she will literally fight her way back to her husband.

Eli/Ellie’s journey is the story of an extraordinary individual and an abiding love, but also of the corrosive effects of slavery, and of a nation at a watershed moment.
The story tells of how a brave and resilient black woman went to great lengths to gain not only her freedom, but that of the man she loved.” - Amazon Reviewer Kelley McCormick

“[A] deliberate and sincere historical fiction wends its way through this abject time in our nation’s youth...Touched with Fire is a welcome addition to the ever-increasing canon of Civil War fiction.” - E. Warren Perry, Jr., author, Swift to My Wounded: Walt Whitman and the Civil War
Celebrate this great new cover with us by entering our giveaway below and spreading the word!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Read an excerpt:

April, 1855
Macon, Georgia

William Craft admired the interior of the small church, much of which he had built. His master required him to work ten hours six days a week, but he squeezed in many late nights as well as his free Sundays, his one day of rest, to do most of the building’s finishing work and the crafting of the altar and pews. Being a skilled cabinetmaker set him apart from most slaves, and it brought in a good income to Master Johnston, his owner and a banker in their town.

Yes sir, he thought, it was not as large or as fancy as the white church, but it had style—his style: smooth clean lines to naturally draw your focus to the altar, and lovingly crafted highlights and scrollwork to fix your gaze on the pulpit where the minister preached.

A large, elderly black woman sat down heavily next to him.

“Good morning to you, Miss Betsey,” said Will, bowing slightly. “And how are you this fine Sunday morning?” A house slave belonging to Colonel Thomas Collins, a prominent member of the white community, Will had known Miss Betsey all his life.

“Terrible,” fussed the old woman, wheezing. “My arthritis is so powerful bad today it’s a wonder I can walk.”

“Well, I’m sorry to hear it.”

“Sorry and a cat’s whiskers don’t never fix a thing, but thank you anyways. But listen, young man, I’s sitt’en here for a reason. How old is you?”

“I’m twenty-five,” he answered. “But you know that.”

“Yes I do, but I wanna be sure you does, because it’s high time you take yourself a wife. A young, honest ’n fine-looking buck like you got no business being single. I knows lots a young girls be only too pleased to be the aim a your partiality, and it’s high time you got about it.”

Every matron in town seemed to want to play matchmaker for him. It was a subject he dearly preferred to avoid, but he was trapped in church with no escape.

“Well, it’s not so easy as that, Miss Betsey,” he started, but was cut off.

“What in thunder ain’t easy? You a man ain’t you? Just look ’round this here church,” she said, waving her cane in the air and nearly knocking the hat off the woman sitting to her front. “It ain’t like you ain’t got a plentitude a pretty gals like chickens in a barnyard ready for plucking. What ain’t easy ’bout it’s what I’d like to know? Ain’t there even one good nuff for you, Mr. All-Fire-High-and-Mighty?”

“Now Miss Betsey…”

“Don’t you ‘Miss Betsey’ me. It ain’t right a fine young boy like you ain’t do’en his duty. Now I can pick a woman make you happy as a tick in a dog’s ear, just see if I can’t.”

“I’m sure you can, Miss Betsey…”

“Then what’s your problem?”

“The problem is a slave marriage has no standing, and you know it. We don’t belong to ourselves, but to our masters to decide if and when we come or if and when we go, as their pocketbook or mood decides. Now what kind of a marriage is that?” he said heatedly.

“Shush,” Miss Betsey hushed him, “keep your voice low.”

She looked at the Reverend Zachary Hess at the front of the church, the white preacher sent every Sunday to watch over the slave congregation. Sitting quietly observing the assembling crowd, he was fiftyish, fat, squinty-eyed and sporting a handlebar moustache of truly epic proportions. The whites forbade the assembly of slaves for fear they would hatch plots to rebel, but church was the exception. Religion, properly supervised, was believed to have a calming influence on the mind of the slave, and Hess was there to see that this church and its messages were properly supervised. He did not preach himself; a black minister, Reverend Evander, did that. He just sat by the altar staring balefully at the congregation and watching, watching, watching. Watching him watch them gave William a case of the shivers, but there was nothing to do about it.

Miss Betsey leaned in close to William and in a low voice said, “Now you listen and you listen good. Ain’t noth’en in life for nobody that’s their own. The good Lord says when you lives and when you dies, where you goes and what you does, and that’s as true for any white man as for any nigger. The day a jubilation’s coming, William, when all slaves will taste the sweet, sweet fruit a freedom. I knows it in my heart. Maybe I ain’t gonna see it, but it’s a coming none the same.”

“Well, the good Lord is taking his own sweet time about it,” said William bitterly.

“Don’t you blaspheme Lord Jesus,” said Betsey. “I reckon the Lord knows His business better even than some grand pumpkin like you.”

A solitary figure walked past, taking a seat five pews to their front. That it was a white woman surprised William until he recognized her as Ellie Smith, a short, thin and handsome young woman with jet black hair and a sad yet defiant set to her face and eyes. William knew she was the slave daughter of Major Smith; everyone in town knew the scandal of her parentage. Her mother was also the offspring of a master-slave coupling, making Miss Ellie a quadroon.

Two of the women next to her got up and moved, leaving her prominently alone as she stared straight ahead.

“Why do they do that?” whispered William.

“Do what?” said Betsey.

“Why do those women move away from her like that?” he said, nodding to Ellie.

“Oh, you mean that piece a calico? Just see how fine she dresses, putt’en on airs like she’s the better of us all just cause her daddy’s a white man and she white as the harvest moon in a midnight sky her own self. And for all her airs them clothes ain’t nothing but hand-me-downs from her daddy’s real gals.

“And she talks even better’n you, all high and mighty when she ain’t no more’n just another nigger. I knows for a fact she can’t neither read nor write, just like the rest a us, even with her fine airs. And she won’t have nothing to do with no black man, she’s so proud a that white skin. Proud a what I don’t even know except being conceived in shame and she act like she got a badge a honor. It ain’t fitt’en.”

William noted many young men watching Ellie, a strange blend of lust and hostility in their eyes. There was not a man here who did not want her, knew he could not have her, and felt a fierce resentment because of it. A resentment apparently shared, thought William, by most of the women.

William caught the look in the Reverend Hess’s eyes, who was also staring at her, and the lust William saw there curdled his blood.

William shook his head. He knew she refused the advances of every young man in the congregation, and even if her dresses were hand-me-downs from her half sisters, she was still the best-dressed woman in church. And growing up in the house with her half sisters, she did speak like an educated woman, even if she was not. Of course, William was the same. Dealing almost exclusively with educated whites in his trade, he learned to speak like one.

“I hopes you ain’t got your eye set on that trash,” sneered Miss Betsey. “That ain’t nothing but trouble, and that’s the Lord’s sweet truth.”

“No,” said William. “I don’t need that problem in my life. I’m no fool, Miss Betsey.”

Saturday, February 15, 2014

{Blog Tour} GIVE ME DESIRE by Zoey Derrick -- with excerpt and review!

Title: Give Me Desire
Author: Zoey Derrick
Series: The Reason Series (#3)
Genre: Paranormal Romance/Fantasy
Publisher: Self Published
Release Date: Dec 30 2013

VIVIENNE CALLAHAN, discharged from the hospital after surviving a near-fatal attack from Riley, her abusive ex-boyfriend, has come to the safety of Mikah’s protection. As she continues to heal physically and mentally from her ordeal, she begins to have strange dreams...dreams that follow her into waking life and hint at a fate she never could’ve foreseen and dangers far greater than Riley.
Meanwhile, MIKAH BLAKE has some ideas about her future, too, and the more she considers his proposals, the weaker her resistance to him becomes. His recent actions have taught her to respect and trust him, but soon her feelings for him threaten to deepen into something more, something she may not be ready for.
In the third book of the Reason series, Vivienne will discover who and what she and the people around her really are.

Book Links

Author Info

It is from Glendale, Arizona that Zoey Derrick, a mortgage underwriter by day and romance and erotica novelist by night, writes stories as hot as the desert sun itself. It is this passion that drips off of her work, bringing excitement to anyone who enjoys a good and sensual love story.
Not only does she aim to take her readers on an erotic dance that lasts the night, it allows her to empty her mind of stories we all wish were true.
Her stories are hopeful yet true to life, skillfully avoiding melodrama and the unrealistic, bringing her gripping Erotica only closer to the heart of those that dare dipping into it.
The intimacy of her fantasies that she shares with her readers is thrilling and encouraging, climactic yet full of suspense. She is a loving mistress, up for anything, of which any reader is doomed to return to again and again.

Author Links think by now I'd be used to being left dangling, but when you're getting so into the story and enjoying it, you just don't expect that! I've been reading this series from the beginning and enjoy every interaction between Mikah and Vivienne. As Vivienne learns to accept who she is, what she is becoming, and her new situation, I couldn't help by smile. As Mikah remains his gentlemanly self and makes Vivienne a genuine offer without any strings attached, my heart sighed. I know there is trouble in their future. How could there not be? But there is also such a wealth of love and trust between them, I have to hope that all will be well. I cannot wait for the next installment! 

"Alright." I sigh. "When are you coming home?"
"Do you miss me?"
I hear his sharp intake of breath at my words.
"Why does that surprise you?" I ask.
"Because. I miss you, too."
I smile.
"I will be home tomorrow, hopefully in the morning. Viv, I wanted to ask you something else."
"What's that?"
"Tomorrow night there is a charity gala that I'm supposed to attend. I'd like it if you would be my date."
"Uh..." I'm taken aback by his question, surprised that he would want to take me to something like that. "Mikah, I've never been to anything like that before." I pull my feet up, cross my legs and lean back into the couch. I place my hand on my belly and begin rubbing it.
"I know, but it's really no big thing. We go, have dinner, there is an auction, and dinner is followed by a dance. It's a stuffed shirt, black tie kind of thing. I am not a fan of going to them, but this one is for an important charity that I've been a part of since its inception, so it is really important that I be there. I just don't want to go without you."
I'm pondering his words as I continue to stroke my belly. "I have nothing to wear," I say, and he chuckles.
"Does that mean you'll go?"
I roll my eyes at his enthusiasm. "Yes, Mikah, I'll go."
"Yes! Okay, I will have Celeste make some arrangements for you to have a nice, relaxing day tomorrow, get your hair done, be pampered a little. And when you guys go out today, you can find yourself a dress." The excitement in his voice is infectious, and I can't help but smile.