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Monday, December 31, 2012

Entangled by Nikki Jefford

Entangled by Nikki Jefford is the first in the Spellbound Trilogy. Published in February of 2012, you can get this now and the second in the series, Duplicity! Click the cover to be taken to the book on! 

Two months after she dies, Graylee Perez awakens in the body of her twin sister, Charlene. Until she finds a way back into a body of her own, they're both stuck in a weird half-life, taking turns every 24 hours. Graylee has to deal with Charlene's vapid friends, different classes, and aggressive boyfriend while maintaining Charlene's supercilious nature, all without alerting the Coven to this resurrection spell gone wrong! Raj McKenna notices something is different about Charlene and even calls her Graylee!

Graylee needs to solve the mystery of how she died and how the heck to get into her own body!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Archived

I got a preview/sneak peek of this book from its publisher via The sample was the first 9 chapters and all I can say is, "Is it January 22, 2013 yet?!"

When you die, you become a History. Every moment of your life is cataloged, recorded, and you get a special little shelf in the Library/Archives with a small little placard with your name, birth year, and death year. There are Librarians responsible for keeping it organized and protected, Keepers responsible for returning lost/escaped Histories, and Crew, which are a team of Keepers who hunt down the Histories who weren't easily Returned. Histories would be what the living call ghosts.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Fablehaven by Brandon Mull

Just finished reading the series "Fablehaven" by Brandon Mull. Did you like the adventures of Harry Potter and his friends? If you did, then you should really pick up Fablehaven!

Kendra and Seth Sorenson are sister and brother. Their maternal grandparents have just died and left an unusual will asking that their children and spouses go on a 17 day long cruise. Since grandchildren aren't invited on this cruise, Kendra and Seth are being dropped off at their paternal grandparent's house for a nice long visit. But there are some strange things going on: Grandpa has some funny rules and where the heck is Grandma?! And why is the caretaker leaving little pans of milk everywhere?

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Review: ARC of Yamada Monogatari Demon Hunter

To start: if you remember from my blog's very first post, I received this as an Advanced Reader Copy. Basically, this means that I got the book for free and agreed to give my honest review! My copy was a Kindle copy from NetGalley.

If you're a fan of Japanese fairy tales, if you're fascinated by the pre-samurai Japan, if you're into asian dramas, you need to pick this book up when it releases in February. It is one of those books where the author's narrative helps you visualize exactly what is happening without being overly wordy or gaudily describing every minute detail. Instead you get this rich portrait, a mental movie, as you're reading.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Phew! Tis the season fa la la la la!

I have been bouncing from book to book, reading a little of this, a little of that. My reading has been interrupted by lots of things lately, but I am managing to sneak in a little reading here and there. The difference of genre of what I'm currently reading is WIDE though!

For example...

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Review: "When the Siren Calls"

Click here to read my review on

My reviews on tend to be short little blurbs. I do not like ruining a story for others and am often worried that one little sentence may completely mislead people. Here, I will talk a little bit more about the book at times, giving a little more detail, perhaps a little more glimpse. Perhaps!!!

First: I received this book for free from the author through goodreads. Now that you know that, I would suggest you follow the link to the book on and read the reviews, not just mine. It is always amazing to me how different people view the exact same

Sunday, December 9, 2012

World of Warcraft.

Hi! My name is Tiffany and I play World of Warcraft! For those of you who are unfamiliar with WoW: it is a MMORPG -Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, or something like that. I'm not 100% on the initialization.

Basically, there are two factions: Horde and Alliance, each with their own races. I play Horde. I have a plethora of characters aka toons, although only 3 are currently at max level, 2 of which are raiding.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


I'm reading a few books at the same time. I never would have done this in years past as I preferred to give my undivided attention to the one that I'm reading, but now I like doing this from time to time. Certain books just tend to fit your mood better, wouldn't you say?

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

NeverEndingStories is hosting a giveaway in honor of her blog's first anniversary! A SIGNED copy of Laini Taylor's Days of Blood and Starlight! Check out her blog and enter! Good luck!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

CoverGirl Blast Flipstick!

As I mentioned in my first post, I am a BzzAgent. The first rule about BzzAgent is to tell everyone you are, in fact, a BzzAgent! BzzAgent is a unique word-of-mouth marketing program. Basically, you qualify for a campaign, they send you the product to try out, you tell them who you told about it, what you thought, what others thought, if people took the discount coupons from you, etc.

So! Now that you know, let's get down to the order of business of my latest campaign, CoverGirl Blast Flipstick!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

First Post!

Greetings, interwebs!  I am starting a new blog. I used to keep one that was full of personal rantings. And while that was fun and cathartic, ultimately I found myself locking it down and not wanting people to know my struggles and trials. It's been several years and has long since been deleted, but now I'm back!

This one will be focused on books I am reading, knitting projects if I find some yarn, BzzAgent Campaigns and perhaps a little bit of my World of Warcraft life! I play Horde ;) I might also talk about my newly found love of korean dramas. Boy, do they know how to make you cry! Such emotion with such little gestures. Sigh.

I am completely ignorant of HTML and how to make all those fancy widgets and whatnot, but as I learn, this place will get a bit fancier. :)

I'll post brief reviews of books I am reading here as that is the main reason I am starting this blog. Some are ARC (Advanced Reader Copies) I was lucky enough to be approved for. When I win those kinds of giveaways, etc., I do my best to give a honest, and as spoiler-free as possible, review on goodreads and

The first one is an ARC for:

Description: In an ancient Japan where the incursions of gods, ghosts, and demons into the living world is an everyday event, an impoverished nobleman named Yamada no Goji makes his living as a demon hunter for hire. 

With the occasional assistance of the reprobate exorcist Kenji, whatever the difficulty — ogres, demons, fox-spirits — for a price Yamada will do what needs to be done, even and especially if the solution to the problem isn’t as simple as the edge of a sword. 

Yet, no matter how many monsters he has to face, or how powerful and terrible they may be, the demons Yamada fears the most are his own!
I am excited to get started reading! I tend to read a few books at a time lately. I don't know if I'm developing an attention deficit problem or if it's out of pure selfishiness for the magic books bring me!  I am also currently reading  Beyond Black by Hilary Mantel and am eager to get started on book two of  The Gray Tower Trilogy by Alesha Escobar 

Currently Watching: My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox with Lee Seung Gi and Shin Min Ah DramaFever
Currently Listening: Trap by No Min Woo from the OST from My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox
Currently Reading: See above! :)